Sunday 30 June 2013


Aids is a fatal disease which means sure death.It has created panic all over the world.Experiments are being made
by scientists and doctors to find a remedy for it.Its full name is Acquired lmmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
When a man or woman is attacked he or she loses all the preventive powers in his or her body.It is a dangerous
disease.It is more serious than cancer.Cancer if detected at an early stage can be cured or may add a few years
to ones life.But in case of AIDS it is not possible.Visitors to brothers are generally attacked with it.Indiscriminate
physical contact with AIDS patient is another factor for the widespread of the disease.Since there is no remedy
for this killer disease,we can prevent it by living a disciplined life.Our awareness and living a clean and pure life
are the real preventives against this deadly disease.

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