Sunday 30 June 2013


Aids is a fatal disease which means sure death.It has created panic all over the world.Experiments are being made
by scientists and doctors to find a remedy for it.Its full name is Acquired lmmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
When a man or woman is attacked he or she loses all the preventive powers in his or her body.It is a dangerous
disease.It is more serious than cancer.Cancer if detected at an early stage can be cured or may add a few years
to ones life.But in case of AIDS it is not possible.Visitors to brothers are generally attacked with it.Indiscriminate
physical contact with AIDS patient is another factor for the widespread of the disease.Since there is no remedy
for this killer disease,we can prevent it by living a disciplined life.Our awareness and living a clean and pure life
are the real preventives against this deadly disease.

Dangers Of Smoking

It goes without saying that smoking is a dangerously bad habid.It causes many fatal diseases.It causes cancer,heart attack,
chronic bronchitis and some other diseases.One puff of cigarette contains fifteen billion particles of injurious matters.Nicotine
is one of them.It prevents.the free flow of blood through the veins.This reduces the supply of oxygen in the body.It damages
our lungs.People addicted to smoking lose their appetite for food and energy for power.Smoking also pollutes the environment
and the air.Besides,it causes irritation in the eye,offends the nose and unsettles the mind.Smoking is so dangerous that
the stench of cigarette is repulsive to a non-smoker.Moreover,it wastes a lot of money.We are very fortunate that there is no
smoker in our family.It is very essential to ban smoking in public places so that smokers cannot do any harm to noon-smokers.


Mobil phone is one of the wonderful wonders of scince.It has added a new dimension to our life and communication system.
It is a telephone system that works without any wire.It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place.Through mobile
phone,we can send messages to distant places,play games and sports,know about time,solve the work of calculation,be
aware of different kinds of news and views.At present the popularity of the mobil phone is increasing.Many companies are
also being set up for selling mobile phone.The price of mobile phone is also decreasing in comparison with the past.People
are being encouraged to buy a mobile phone set at a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology,the
whole world seems to be a and technology,the whole world seems to be a global village.In a very single moment,we can
communicate with the people living in a very distant place.With all its advantages,the mobile phone has still some qrawbacks
in disguise.Though the price of it is decreasing,per minute bill is not decreasing.So everybody cannot possess it.scientists
have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users.Besides,it has become a fashion with the young
people.Last but not the least,terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world.But in spite of all these disadv
antages,it can be finalized here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanges messages,cannot be denied in the true
sense of the term in our practica'life.


Television is a wonderful invention of modern science,which is the most up-to-date means of communication.
However,now-a-days television has became a part and parcel of our life.eIn many ways,we are benefited by
television in our day-to-day life.In the modern world,television is the easiest and most popular means of rec
reation and amusement.It presents us many regular programmes of music,dance,drama,cultural show and
festivals.We can also enjoy cinema of different types reflected on the screen of television.We can watch the
World Cup Cricket and Football Tournament staying at our homes.Television has made it pssible.The news
programmes tell us what affajrs and incidents happen all the world over and also give pictures of all of them
.We see things as if they are happening before our eyes.We can gather knowledge of every corner of the
world knowledge of religion,history,economics,science,language,culture,etc.It can educate people on the
current topics of the world.Model teaching is also done through television.As for example,Bangladesh
institute of Distance Education(BIDE)and Bangladesh Open University (BOU) are doing wonderful work
through television.Thus television benefits us to a great extent.